Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Job Description

A logistics and supply chain manager is responsible for coordinating for receipt of goods and their storage within the stock yard, movement of goods within the industry premise from procurement to stock and stock to production line and for movement of finished goods within plant. He is also responsible for ensuring timely delivery of materials at the production line, maintaining records of inventory, receipt and despatches from the stock yard, providing daily and weekly reports on the inventory to the superiors, developing daily and weekly schedule for inbound and outbound activities, ensuring the safety and security of materials within the stockyard, initiate and apply new methods to reduce logistics costs and improve the processflow.

Course Structure

  1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
  2. Explain right body position for different activities.
  3. Explain the key concepts of Logistics in a manufacturing setup and supply chain logistics and key activities of in plant logistics.
  4. Explain different type of In-plant logistic activities.
  5. Apply knowledge of different inventory models, storage handling equipment, computer based inventory, counting tools to meet the.
  6. Validate the technical specification of various handling equipment which helps during movement processes.
  7. Carryout activities based on daily receipt and dispatch instructions received.
  8. Develop schedules and prioritize activities so as to plan every day without any delays.
  9. Explain Reporting Activities, MIS System and its use.
  10. Apply safe working practices.
  11. Comply with environment regulation and housekeeping.
  12. Interpret & use formal and technical communication.
  13. Apply the concept in productivity & quality management in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
  14. List and interpret various acts of labour welfare legislation.
  15. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day work by optimally using available resources.
  16. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day work for personal & societal growth.
  17. Utilize basic computer applications and internet to take benefit of IT developments in the industry.

Entry Criteria

Class XI or equivalent


Certificate / Diploma / PG Diploma

Fees & Admission

Get in touch with our nearest Authorised Training Center for free skill training counseling and get more details about the course.